☰ Prof.dr. Florin Pop - Published papers (2004-2007)
- Pop, Florin, Beu, D., Residential energy efficient lighting, promoting actions under the frame of national and European projects, Light & Engineering (Svetotekhnicka), vol. 15, nr. 4, 2007, ISSN 0236-2945, p. 69-74
- Pop, Florin, Beu, D., Residential energy efficient lighting by promoting fluorescent compact lamps under the frame of IEE programme EnERLIn, Conferinta internationala SIELMEN 2007, Chisinau 4-6 octombrie 2007, Analele Universitatii din Craiova, Seria Inginerie electrica, an 31, nr. 31, 2007, ISSN 1842-4805, pag. 412-415
- Pop, Florin, Beu, D., Residential energy efficient lighting by promoting fluorescent compact lamps under the frame of IEE programme EnERLIn, Proceedings The 4th International Conference ILUMINAT 2007, Cluj-Napoca 31 May-1 June 2007, ISBN 978-973-713-177-5, pag. 30.1-30.4
- Pop, Florin, Beu, D., Residential energy efficient lighting, promoting actions under the frame of national and European projects, Proceedings of the 26th Session of the CIE, Beijing, 4 July-11 July 2007, ISBN 978 3 901 906 59 6, pag. D3-53-56
- Pop, Florin, Eficienta energetica în instalatiile electrice din sectorul rezidential – conferinta invitata, A XXV-a Conferinta Stiinta Moderna si Energia, 11-12 mai 2006 Cluj-Napoca, Romania
- Pop, Florin, Beu D., Ciugudeanu, C., Utilizarea lampilor fluorescente compacte în iluminatul interior rezidential, oportunitati si implicatii, Conferinta tehnico-stiintifica "Instalatii pentru constructii si economia de energie", editia a XVI-a, 6-7 iulie 2006, Iasi, Romania, Proceedings, pp. 300-309, ISBN (10) 973-667-189-5, ISBN (13) 978-973-667-189-0
- Pop, Florin, Beu, D., Ciugudeanu, C., Residential Energy Efficient Lighting, promoting actions under the frame of national and European projects, EEIS 2006 -Energy Efficiency International Symposium – the 5th edition, "Solutions to increase ENERGY EFFICIENCY for a free electricity market", Romania, Cluj Napoca, 3 – 5 October 2006, Technical Works, pp. 327-336, ISBN 973-686-928-8, ISBN 978-973-686-928-0
- Pop, Florin, Beu, D., Energy efficiency in interior lighting – a Romanian case study - Invited conference, Lighting Engineering 2006, Razsvetljava 2006, Bled, Slovenia, 12-13 October 2006, Proceedings, pp. R3/11-R3/26, ISBN 86-435-0799-7
- Pop, Florin, Beu, D., Ciugudeanu, C., Lighting energy efficiency in residential buildings in Romania - promoting actions under the frame of national and European programmes, "Modern Quality Solutions for an Efficient Lighting", Sinaia 2006 International Lighting Symposium, 12-14 October 2006, Sinaia, Romania Proceedings, pp. 116 - 127, ISBN (10) 973-755-089-7, ISBN (13) 978-973-755-089-7
- Pop, Florin, Beu, D., Ciugudeanu, C., Lighting energy efficiency and saving in residential buildings in Romania, ISEEE 2006 - The 1st International Symposium on Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 13-14 October 2006, Galati, Romania, Proceedings, pp. 219-225, ISBN (10) 973-627-325-3, ISBN (13) 978-973-627-325-4
- Pop, Florin, Beu, D., Din activitatea Centrului de Ingineria Iluminatului, Universitatea Tehnica din Cluj-Napoca - LEC-UTC-N, la sase ani de existenta 2000 - 2006 - conferinta prezentata, ELBA 85 ani, Timisoara, 10 noiembrie 2006
- Pop, Florin, Beu, D., Ciugudeanu, C., Iluminat rezidential eficient energetic - actiuni de promovare în cadrul proiectelor nationale si europene, Lucrarile simpozionului aniversar ELBA 85 ani, pg. 33-42, ISBN (10) 973-88147-0-7, ISBN (13) 978-973-88147-0-7
- Pop, Florin, Beu, D., Ciugudeanu, C., Residential Energy Efficient Lighting, Compact Fluorescent Lamps Promotional Campaigns under the Frame of Romanian and European Projects, The 1st International Conference on Modern Power Systems MPS 2006, 8-11 November, 2006, Cluj-Napoca, ROMANIA, Proceedings - Acta Electrotehnica, vol. 47, Nr. 4, 2006, pp. 117-122ISSN 1841-3323
- Alexandru Adriana, Rugina, V., Tântareanu, C., Fara, S., Gorghiu, G., Pop, Florin, Scripcariu, M., Informatic integrated system for energy efficiency (CREFEN), Conference Energy towards the Seventh Framework Programme for Research, Bucharest 9 of November 2006, University “Politehnica” Bucharest.
- Pop, Florin, Beu, D., Ciugudeanu, C., Residential Energy Efficient Lighting, Compact Fluorescent Lamps Promotional Campaigns under the Frame of Romanian and European Projects, Ingineria Iluminatului, vol. 8, 2006, nr. 17, pag. 32-41, ISSN 1454-5837
- Alexandru, Adriana, Rugina, V., Tântareanu, C., Gorghiu, G., Pop, Florin, CREFEN – an informatic system for energy efficiency in residential sector, Ingineria Iluminatului, vol. 8, 2006, nr. 18 Winter, pg. 50-58, Romania, ISSN 1454-5837
- Pop, Florin, Energy Efficiency and New trends in lighting, 2005, INGINERIA ILUMINATULUI, Vol. 7, No. 15 – Summer 2005, ISSN 1454-5837, pp. 3-4
- Pop, Florin, Iluminatul interior al cladirilor folosind lumina naturala – cerinte, eficienta, costuri, A 40-a Conferinta Nationala de Instalatii Electrice si Automatizari, Sinaia, 20-22 octombrie 2005, ISBN 973-685-954-1, pp. 221-225
- Ciugudeanu, C., Pop, Florin, Sisteme tubulare de transport a luminii naturale, 2005, A 40-a Conferinta Nationala de Instalatii Electrice si Automatizari – Simpozionul National de Iluminat, Sinaia, 21 octombrie 2005, ISBN 973-685-959-2, pp. 38-46
- Pop, Florin, Beu, D., ENERLIN - European efficient residential lighting initiative, un program EIE - SAVE pentru promovarea lampilor fluorescente compacte, A 40-a Conferinta Nationala de Instalatii Electrice si Automatizari – Simpozionul National de Iluminat, Sinaia, 21 octombrie 2005, ISBN 973-685-959-2, pp. 86-95
- Bucur, D., Sarchiz, D., Pop, F., Modelling and optimization of transformation posts, Proceedings of the scientific conference with international participation INTER-ING 2005, "Petru Maior" University, Faculty of engineering Târgu Mures, 10-11 noiembrie 2005, Editura Universitatii "Petru Maior" Tg. Mures 2005, ISBN: 973-7794-41-9, pp. 573-578
- Pop, Florin, Beu, D., ENERLIN - European efficient residential lighting initiative, an EIE - SAVE program to promote the use of the compact fluorescent lamps in the residential area, Proceedings of the scientific conference with international participation INTER-ING 2005, "Petru Maior" University, Faculty of engineering Târgu Mures, 10-11 noiembrie 2005, Editura Universitatii "Petru Maior" Tg. Mures 2005, ISBN: 973-7794-41-9, pp. 601-606
- Pop, Florin, Demands, efficiency and costs of daylighting, Proceedings of The 3rd International Conference ILUMINAT 2005 & The 3rd Conference on Lighting BalkanLight 2005, Cluj-Napoca, 2-3 June, ISBN 973-713-069-3, pp. 37/1 – 37/6, BalkanLight Society Invited paper
- Beu, D., Pop, Florin, Energy efficiency in interior lighting – a Romanian case study, Proceedings of The 3rd International Conference ILUMINAT 2005 & The 3rd Conference on Lighting BalkanLight 2005, Cluj-Napoca, 2-3 June, ISBN 973-713-069-3, pp. 03/1 – 03/9
- Gligor A., Grif, H.St., Pop, Florin, Cosnideratii privind un sistem de control inteligent pentru un iluminat eficient, Proceedings of The 3rd International Conference ILUMINAT 2005 & The 3rd Conference on Lighting BalkanLight 2005, Cluj-Napoca, 2-3 June, ISBN 973-713-069-3, pp. 17/1 – 17/8
- Grif, H.St., Gligor, A., Pop, Florin, Daylight control using internal model control principle, Proceedings of The 3rd International Conference ILUMINAT 2005 & The 3rd Conference on Lighting BalkanLight 2005, Cluj-Napoca, 2-3 June, ISBN 973-713-069-3, pp. 18/1 – 18/8
- Beu, D., Pop, Florin, Rehabilitation of pedestrian lighting in two residential districts of Cluj-Napoca, 2005, LUX EUROPA 2005, Berlin, 19-21 September, ISBN 3-927787-27-2, pp. 531-532
- Grif, H.St., Pop, Florin, Fuzzy vs. B-spline fuzzy-neural and neural daylight control systems, 2005, LUX EUROPA 2005, Berlin, 19-21 September, ISBN 3-927787-27-2, pp. 312-315
- Pop, Florin, Architectural Lighting, Chromaticity and The Urban Environment, 2005, LUX EUROPA 2005, Berlin, 19-21 September, ISBN 3-927787-27-2, pp. 488-490
- Beu, D., Pop, Florin, Ciugudeanu, N., Nedelcu Speranta, 2004, Reabilitarea iluminatului cailor de circulatie pietonale ale zonelor rezidentiale din municipiul Cluj-Napoca, Simpozionul International de Eficienta Energetica, ed. a IV-a, 19-21 octombrie, Cluj-Napoca, pg. , ISBN
- Pop, Florin, 2004, Architectural lighting, daylighting and artificial lighting, some thoughts concerning trends and costs, Simpozionul International de Eficienta Energetica, ed. a IV-a, 19-21 octombrie, Cluj-Napoca, pg. , ISBN
- Pop, Florin, Maierean Marilena, Beu, D., Vernes, A., 2004, Study concerning the chromaticity of architectural surfaces under the influence of lighting sources, Proceedings of the 5th National Lighting Congress, 5-7 October, Istanbul, pg. , ISBN
- Beu, D., Pop, Florin, 2004, Rehabilitation of pedestrian lighting in two residential districts of Cluj-Napoca, Simpozionul International de Iluminat Bucuresti 2004 – Solutii de calitate pentru un iluminat eficient, Bucuresti, 30 septembrie – 1 octombrie, pg. , ISBN
- Grif, H.St., Gligor, A., Pop, Florin, 2004, Fuzzy daylight control vs. adaptive B-spline network daylight control, Simpozionul International de Iluminat Bucuresti 2004 – Solutii de calitate pentru un iluminat eficient, Bucuresti, 30 septembrie – 1 octombrie, pg. , ISBN
- Pop, Florin, 2004, New trends on architectural lighting, daylighting and artificial lighting, Conferinta tehnico-stiintifica"Instalatii pentru constructii si economia de energie" Iasi, 1-2 iulie, pg. 243-248, ISBN 973-667-040-6
- Grif, H. St., Pop, Florin, 2004, Fuzzy vs. Fuzzy-Neural daylight systems, Proceedings of the XII National Conference on Lighting Light ’2004 15 – 17 June 2004, Varna, Bulgaria, pg. 201-205, ISBN 954-683-235-9
- Pop, Florin, Beu, D., 2004, Energy efficiency in interior lighting – a Romanian case study, Proceedings of the IEECB '04 Conference, Frankfurt, Germany, 21-22 April
© Prof.dr. Florin Pop